Monday, June 17, 2013

Absolute Surrender Discussion Questions CHAPTER 3


Separated Unto The Holy Ghost
1.     What is the great lesson of Acts 13:1-4?

Thought #1 (pgs. 22-23)
2.     Explain what the author meant by the following statement: Our great Commander organizes every campaign, and His generals and officers do not always know the great plans. They often receive sealed orders, and they have to wait on Him for what He gives them as orders. God had certain plans and intentions with regard to Asia, and with regard to Europe. He had conceived them; they were His and He made them known to His servants.

3.     According to the author, God has His plans clearly mapped out, and our position is to wait, that God should communicate to us as much of His will as each time is needful. What is our role as workers in carrying out this plan?

Thought #2 (pg. 23)
4.     How does God reveal His will to us? What is our role in hearing Him? (Psalm 46:10,  Psalm 37:7, Exodus 14:14)

Thought #3 (pg. 23)
5.     Describe the heart that God is desiring to manifest Himself in.

6.     What is fasting? (Matthew 6:16-18, Isaiah 58: 3-7)

Thought #4 (pgs. 24-25)
7.     What is needed that the power of God should rest upon us more mightily?

8.     What does it mean to be separated unto the Holy Spirit?

Thought #5 (pg. 25-26)
9.     What is our call to action, our job, in this blessed partnership with the Holy Spirit?

Thought #6 (pg. 27)
10. How can we be blessed by the Holy Spirit? Conversely, why have we not experienced more blessing in our relationship with the Holy Spirit?

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