I willingly submit to You today Lord.
I willingly submit to Your plan for my life and the life of my family.
I willingly submit my husband and children to you.
I willingly submit our health, our spiritual well-being, our physical well-being, our emotional well-being, our finances, our home, our future, all of our possessions, Lord, they are Yours.
I was a fool to have ever believed that they were mine.
I am a fool for not willingly submitting to You, as you have beckoned my heart so many times.
Lord, take my life, it is yours for the taking.
Strip me, mold me, humble me, break me, crucify my flesh.
"I have been crucified with Christ," Paul proclaimed, but never have I.
I am a weak and lowly man,
Without brokenness, without shame.
You came into this world to save sinners, of who I am the chief.
There is nothing good inside of me apart from You.
I am full of pride, full of self, full of death.
I am tired of being who I am.
I am tired of being my own god.
And so it is Lord, I willingly submit to you today.
Let the world call me a fool.
I have decided to follow You and You alone.
Upon that Old Rugged Cross I place my life.
Nail it there Lord, and never allow me to take it back.
Nevertheless Lord, into Thy hands I commit my life.
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